Five yoga poses to reduce symptoms of PCOS

Five yoga poses to reduce symptoms of PCOS

Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) is a hormonal disorder that Is not spoken about very often, but it is very common in women. It causes an ovarian cyst, and studies have found that one in three women, especially the younger age group is affected by it. One must know the root cause of the problem to know how one can overcome it.

It is important to know the root cause of this hormonal disorder and also know about its symptoms, so that one can overcome PCOS with time.

How does Yoga help to overcome PCOS?

Yoga is a science, which when performed has a huge impact on our body, with long-lasting effects. There are several asanas in Yoga which have benefited and cured many diseases, and there are also specific asanas that can help overcome PCOS.

Yoga asanas work like they are recharging your bodies and help open up the pelvic area and your body relaxed while pranayama keeps the mind calm. Meditation helps you distress and detoxify yourself. Performing Sudarshan Kriya helps a woman with PCOS deal with negative emotions and mood swings.

Your body needs to be relaxed during PCOS. You can do this by synchronizing your body with the breathing. Deep breathing adds additional benefits and helps you improve your posture, and this helps you with weight loss as well. Once you lose your weight, it helps in bringing your menstrual cycles on track. One can see the benefits to overcome PCOS by giving enough time to yoga and meditation regularly.”

Yoga poses to reduce symptoms of PCOS:

  1. Butterfly Asana may be of immense benefit to women with PCOS. This is important particularly for women as they spend long hours sitting and standing and often lack a good amount of sleep. This posture relaxes the tensed muscles and strengthens this region’s versatility, and also increases lower body blood circulation. It offers relief from menstrual malaise and menopausal problems.
  2. Supta-Badhakon Asana (Reclining Butterfly Pose) is even more effective and works much like the Butterfly Pose, just by lying down. With this asana, we organize the movement to float from one yoga pose to another with a breath. It makes the body completely comfortable. Play some soft music to improve the atmosphere, and place pillows under your butt. It is a good idea for beginners to take the help of a pillow. The hip stretching posture helps curb access fat around your hip and thighs and has proven effects on male and female fertility and reproductive system as it increases blood supply to the groin area. You’ll be surprised to learn that this asana also helps improve your level of concentration, gives you a better posture, and can help you get rid of a headache.
  3. Known as the Churning Mill Yoga Pose, Chakki Chalan Asana is a simple exercise with many benefits. It will develop strength, stability, equilibrium, and coordination. The yoga pose was called warm-up to prepare the body for more intense yoga poses. The liver, lungs, pancreas, uterus, and sexual organs are given an excellent massage.
    It is very helpful for post-natal rehabilitation and is useful for menstrual cycle control. It also happens during the first 3 months of pregnancy. In case of any surgery or stomach ache, one must stop this asana. Beginners remember during Asana that they don’t go beyond your limits. Otherwise, it can cause serious injuries.
  4. Shavasana (Dead Body Pose) is one of the most difficult asanas as you need to be in a state of complete relaxation. It is necessary to place the body in a neutral position. The more your body relaxes in Polycystic ovary syndrome, the better you will feel, and this pose will allow the body to relax fully after the yoga session is done. It calms the brain and helps relieve stress and mild depression, relaxes the body, reduces headache and fatigue, and insomnia and helps to lower blood pressure.
  5. Padma Sadhana’s practice is also seen as very beneficial for women with PCOS. Make sure you don’t hold the postures that lay pressure on the abdomen for a long time.

Practice a few rounds of Sun Salutation at a faster pace can help in losing weight, however.

Meditate to feel the difference:

Stress twitches in mind and gradually its effects can be seen in the whole body. It is important to find a solution to release stress at the mind level. One can overcome this issue with meditation. Scientific research conducted by doctors states that the practice of meditation establishes numerous health benefits.

Sudarshan Kriya has helped many women in dealing with mood swings, irritability, and negative emotions. A healthy diet, exercise, yoga, and meditation can help a woman with PCOS in controlling the symptoms and avoid the problem from getting worse. It reduces acne, as well.

While the precise cause of Polycystic ovarian syndrome remains unclear, there are, gratefully, at least treatment options available for the various PCOS symptoms. You will find a way to recover with yoga and different natural holistic way of life. The number of paybacks you obtain is directly proportionate to the amount of effort you put into your regular yoga practice. So even if you start with a little effort today, it will payback someday!

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