Moong Bhel: Classic Bhel with a Healthy Twist

Moong Bhel: Classic Bhel with a Healthy Twist


Sprouted Moong : 30g
Capsicum: 10g
Tomato: 10g
Onion: 10g
Tamarind chutney (without sugar): 10g
Green(Coriander,Mint) chutney: 10g
Lemon juice: ½ tbsp.
Chopped Coriander: 5g
Rocksalt- As per taste


Method of Preparation:

  1. Steam the moong
  2. Finely chop all the vegetables – Capsicum, tomato, onion
  3. Mix all the ingredients with both chutnies
  4. Top it with coriander and serve fresh.


Energy 115 Kcals
Protein 8g
Carbohydrates 16g
Fats 0.6g



Sprouting increases the Protein, fibre and Vitamin b complex which is needed for weight management in PCOD

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